Early Management of Severe Trauma (EMST) is internationally recognised as equivalent to Advanced Trauma Life Support (ATLS®). The course teaches a systematic, concise approach to the care of a trauma patient, providing a safe and reliable method for immediate management of injured patients in the first one to two hours following injury.


  • Demonstrate the concepts and principles of primary and secondary patient assessment;
  • Establish management priorities in the initial management of a trauma patient;
  • Initiate primary and secondary management of a simulated trauma patient in a timely manner;
  • In a given trauma situation, demonstrate skills that are often required in the initial assessment and treatment of patients with multiple injuries.

You can find out more about the EMST Course information from the Royal Australian College of Surgeons website

Dr Valerie Malka is the Director of the Trauma and Acute Care Surgical Unit at Liverpool Hospital. She was the previous Director of Trauma Services at Westmead Hospital for over a decade. She is an EMST Director and DSTC Instructor with a great passion for trauma and acute care surgery. With special interests in education and quality assurance she has worked extensively in patient safety and the maintenance of ethics in healthcare. Valerie has worked with the International Committee of the Red Cross and the International Rescue Committee and holds a Diploma in International Humanitarian Assistance from Geneva University and a Master’s Degree in International Public Health with a major in Humanitarian Law. She also holds a Master’s degree in Journalism and works freelance writing medical, health and wellbeing articles.