The TOPIC course is taught to all members of the trauma system team who participate in the ongoing assessment, evaluation and improvement of trauma care. TOPIC focuses on the ongoing assessment of the continuum of trauma care with a structured review of process and discussions of strategies to monitor trauma patient outcomes.

The TOPIC course is taught in a one day interactive Modular Format, customized to best meet the needs of the individual trauma care provider participants who have varying levels of experience with trauma performance improvement. The course offers practical application for all Levels of trauma centres, from entry level to mature phase of program development. The modules are taught with a focus on didactic, operational definitions, sample tools, case study examples and take-home points.

Trauma Doctors, Nurses & Data Managers

Telephone: +61 2 8738 6489


Dr Valerie Malka is the Director of the Trauma and Acute Care Surgical Unit at Liverpool Hospital. She was the previous Director of Trauma Services at Westmead Hospital for over a decade. She is an EMST Director and DSTC Instructor with a great passion for trauma and acute care surgery. With special interests in education and quality assurance she has worked extensively in patient safety and the maintenance of ethics in healthcare. Valerie has worked with the International Committee of the Red Cross and the International Rescue Committee and holds a Diploma in International Humanitarian Assistance from Geneva University and a Master’s Degree in International Public Health with a major in Humanitarian Law. She also holds a Master’s degree in Journalism and works freelance writing medical, health and wellbeing articles.