P.A.R.T.Y Program

P.A.R.T.Y. is an acronym for Prevent Alcohol and Risk-Related Trauma in Youth, and is an in-hospital injury awareness and prevention program originally established in Ontario, Canada in 1986. The program is aimed at providing teenagers with information so that they will be able to recognise potential injury-producing situations, make prevention-orientated choices, and adopt behaviours that minimise unnecessary risk.
The P.A.R.T.Y mission statement is to “promote injury prevention through vivid reality, enabling youth to recognise risk and make informed choices about activities and behaviours”.
The program is designed to engage young people. The presenters are health care professionals including nurses, doctors, physiotherapists, occupational therapists, speech therapists and social workers. External agencies such as police and the ambulance service also attend to provide presentations. Students also have the opportunity to meet from past patients, who come in and share their personal story.
The P.A.R.T.Y. Program is offered to high schools at no costs and held at Liverpool Hospital. The program generally runs once a fortnight during the school term.
The P.A.R.T.Y. Program is coordinated by the Trauma & Acute Care Surgery Unit at Liverpool Hospital.
Further information about the program or to book your school in please email the program coordinator.
Real Life stories: Meeting Past Patients

Students work with staff

650 Students attended the program
Both Private & Public Schools attended
Non Mainstream schools attended
Even distribution of male to female students attended
Information for Schools
Trauma is responsible for 40% of deaths in the 15 – 24 years age group. Young people are grossly over represented in injury data, both in terms of death and long term disability. This not only impacts the patient but also immediate family, friends, and the community.
The program is designed to engage young people. The presenters will be health professionals including nurses, doctors, physiotherapists, occupational therapists, speech therapists and social workers. There will also be support from other external agencies such as police and the ambulance service and additional invited speakers including those who have been personally impacted by injury, and now live with long term disabilities impacting their physical, social, psychological and financial future. Holding the program within a hospital environment enhances the participant’s experience, and leaves a significant and lasting impression of the consequences of trauma and risk taking behaviour.